
CANCELLED: 2020 GAA Federal Conference

Gemmological Association of Australia
74th Federal Conference and AGM
21 – 24 May 2020
at Rendezvous Hotel, Scarborough Beach, Perth WA

All members and guests are invited to attend the Annual Federal Conference and the Annual General Meeting. The program includes:

21–22 May Committee meetings and Federal Council Meeting
23 May AGM and Gemmology Seminar, Conference Dinner & Awards
24 May Social program

The exciting scientific program for the Gemmology Seminar features two International speakers and Australian experts on diamonds, zircons and tourmaline.

Dr Karl Schmetzer (Gemmological Researcher and Consultant, Petershausen, Germany) will present the Margaret Braine Memorial Lecture, entitled “The Late 14th-Century Royal Crown of Blanche of Lancaster – History and Gemstone Decoration.”

Robin Hansen (Curator, Minerals and Gemstones, Natural History Museum, London) will present “Gemmological Highlights of the Mathews Collection, Natural History Museum, London”. (Charles Mathews Senior was a legendary lapidiarist in Hatton Gardens.)

Register NOW!

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